Leeds Vineyard

The world looks different

I can’t begin to explain the difference in vision –it’s like clouds or scales falling from my eyes. The world looks different, as I look around church, church looks different. It no longer looks like a hostile unpredictable place. It feels comfortable.

I feel like I can stand straight, instead of being bent over like the women with the issue of blood, limping and hobbling under the weight of my chains, weighed down by the burdens and yokes I was not meant to carry. Now I can lift my head and see something other than my feet. I can look at people and feel I at least have the right to exist, to be who I am because God made me.

I cannot quite explain how I got to this place. I cannot explain this work of God. It’s like walking into sunshine after years of being in the dark. It’s like fresh air after the stale stench of a damp cellar. It’s not a sudden revelation; it’s the result of an underground mission, the Holy Spirit working in dark places, a struggle to transform the pain.

It is God bringing forth the treasures of darkness. It is the patient steadfast cultivating of a life. It is unspeakable mercy. For which I am thankful so very thankful to God.

Michele Goulding, 25/02/2007