Leeds Vineyard

Discipleship: A people being transformed 

Inspiring a community to be more like Jesus

Our heart at Leeds Vineyard is to Love God, Love People and put Love into Action in our communities in Leeds and beyond. As we fully immerse ourselves in loving God, connecting with the church community and serving the wider communities of Leeds and beyond, God gets to transform us to become more like him!

It says in Romans 12:2, “ Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

As we press into learning God’s ways of being, God’s ways of thinking and his way of living, we find that change happens. Change in the form of metamorphosis, change like a caterpillar to a butterfly - real substantial change. From one state of being to another.  
Here's how transformation works - these are simply the foundations for God to change us:

  • We invite God’s Holy Spirit to work in us so that he can work on us!

  • We ask God to help us truly understand and accept His grace for us – his completely undeserved love for us – not based on what we do, but on receiving his love in our lives. We apply the good news of God’s unconditional love for us into our thinking and being.

  • We develop Spiritual Practices - disciplines of faith. Intentionally trying to become more like Jesus.  There are many ways of looking at this subject. The most important thing to remember is that one person’s walk in the disciplines will be different from another. This can be done individually however we see that Jesus encourages us to do this together in small groups and as part of a church community.

[What is the Holy Spirit?] [What is Grace?] [What are spiritual practices?