Leeds Vineyard

Reach out

A person who is following hard after Jesus reaches out to people beyond their circle of comfort.

What does that look like?


Reach Out encompasses a wide range of intentional activities to introduce more people to the Kingdom of God, motivated by gratitude for the mercy God has lavished on us, and with love for each person we meet. Practical activities will vary, according to age, gifting, opportunity and social context.  The outcomes we see in the lives of people following Jesus may include some of the following:
  • “Walking across the room” i.e. Being alert for people who are new or isolated and willing to leave our own circle of friendship to make a social connection with people we don’t know.
  • Doing acts of kindness and friendship i.e. demonstrating the love of God in a practical way, either spontaneously as an individual, or in an organised way as part of a group. Providing resources for acts of kindness.
  • Sharing authentic personal stories with a faith element in everyday social situations
  • Explaining the story and message of Jesus to those who are ready to listen
  • Encouraging people in the practical steps and stages of commitment to following Jesus
  • Responding confidently to common challenges to faith in social situations (Giving a reason for the faith that is in you).
  • Being alert to the prompting of the Holy Spirit regarding people we meet, and speaking or acting appropriately in response
  • Praying with people with all kinds of needs, in informal contexts as well as in meetings
  • Finding common purpose with groups of people (e.g. work, social, sport, creative, charitable, social care) and demonstrating kingdom themes in a non-church context
  • Inviting/bringing people to appropriate events and activities that introduce them to more Christians and/or aspects of the message of Jesus
  • Organising or hosting events and activities (e.g. parties) that connect people with Christians
  • Helping in the teams that support this type of event and activity
  • Taking part in cross-cultural mission trips
  • Supporting cross-cultural mission trips by: praying, providing resources, helping with organisation and communication, championing for the rest of the church
  • Using the creative arts to communicate about faith-related topics
  • Advocacy: speaking up on behalf of people and social justice, representing them, campaigning on their behalf, mediating conflict
  • Exploring new or experimental ways of reaching out

How does it come about?


The way we see these practices becoming deeply rooted in people's lives includes
  • Role models and friends telling inspiring stories about their reach out activities - in conversation, in small group and in large meeting settings.
  • Housegroup leaders asking people about their areas of passion and their reach out activities on a regular basis, encouraging appropriate risk-taking, affirming progress, and the group praying for them
  • Telling faith stories and learning to pray for people in a safe setting (e.g. housegroup) to build confidence for telling those stories to people outside of faith
  • Exploring questions of faith and reflecting on God’s grace in a safe setting such as housegroup, thinking aloud or with a mature Christian
  • Identifying "who you are and what you are for" and using that passion to focus on an area of Reach Out
  • Running partners spurring one another on to identify and take reach out opportunities
  • Experiencing reach out activities organised by a housegroup, established ministry or as part of a conference.  These need to be well-advertised, and leaders can invite people to join in.
  • Being equipped through listening to regular talks on Reach Out themes, discussing scriptures, practical workshops and by reading books and internet resources
  • Through appropriate motivational input developing a sense of urgency and intentionality, seizing each chance we are given.
  • Clearing the obstacles to reach out that some experience. For example, avoiding and relieving the pressure and guilt some feel about having to do particular expressions of Reach Out
  • Being able to consult more experienced reachers out in case of difficulty
  • Having a culture that considers it normal to mix church and non-church people in all sorts of settings
  • Healthy relationships with others in their communities – home, work, social, school, etc.
  • Creating high-quality invitation events, accessible to contemporary people, and with sensitive welcoming.
    • a big welcome on Sundays, accessibility, relevance
    • children’s groups accommodating of unchurched children attending
  • Discovery activities that help people recognise the unique contribution to reach out that God has designed and gifted them for
  • Bursaries and fund-raising activities for those who cannot fully-fund their reach out activities
  • Leaders connecting people with similar reach out styles and focuses, and pointing people towards their area of interest.
  • Leaders releasing people from church-focused responsibilities to give time to reach out activities
  • Empowering people (with resources and practical support) to serve in the area they are passionate about
  • Supporting people to serve over the long term
  • A framework for working in partnership with other agencies (e.g. The Vine charity)




Web resources


Reach out stories (from the Vineyard here)
Zambia and South Africa feedback videos 2010
The Stepping Out teaching series (based on Just Walk Across the Room)




Holy Discontent, Bill Hybels
Generous Justice, Tim Keller
Just walk across the room, Bill Hybels
The reason for God, Tim Keller
Power Healing, John Wimber
Power Evangelism, John Wimber
Nevertheless, John Kirkby
One step beyond, Gram Seed
The biggest issue
A life worth living - Alpha stories



The Passion - the message of the cross
Amazing Grace - social justice


Housegroup resources

Serendipity Bible Studies
  • Nicodemus (John 3:1-21)
  • Samaritan woman (John 4:7-30)
  • Levi (Luke 5:27-39)
  • Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8:26-40)
  • Lydia's conversion (Acts 16:11-15)
  • Peter's vision (Acts 10:1-23)
Thinking and Doing Reach Out.

Questions of faith

  • How can we be so sure? Discuss around faith Hebrews 11:1. Some may decide they need to do alpha course as a result…

    • What do I believe?

    • Why do I believe this? Evidence/Faith

  • The Reason for God – Tim Keller – pick a chapter to discuss/do a book club and share your favourite bit

  • Kris Miller – Christian Theology and the witness of the church – NLC talk 2010

    • Explores 10 ways we can know God

    • Discussion surrounding how people know God.

God’s grace and love for us

  • Knowing God’s grace for us

  • Watch a short section of “The passion”,

  • Meditate/Reflect on 1 John 3:1, Romans 3:22-26, 6:23, 5:8 and 5:1-2

  • Do I really believe Jesus died for me?

The “Theory” behind Reach Out - Great commission/commandment

  • Why do we do this?
    • We love because he first loved us, Matt 22:34-40, Matt 28:18
  • The Great companion – how can we do this?
  • 2 Peter 1:3, Ps73:26, John 20:21, Acts 1:8
  • Barriers/motivations to ROing/sharing our faith


  • Serendipidity 3 – beginner no.5 – spreading the word – essentially focussing on Acts 1:8. I think questions 6-8 are useful discussion questions plus you could add - what motivates you to share your faith – what has God done for you that you want him to do for others?
  • Find your niche in RO – who? Where?
  • The Good Samaritan – who do we RO to? Who is my neighbour? Luke 10:25-37  
  • Acts 1:8 also – where is God calling me to serve?


Sharing our faith

  • 1 Peter 3:8-22 - always be ready to give an answer
    • Writing your story in a 100 words
    • Sharing the gospel in under a minute
  • Reflecting on where our friend are at, praying for them and exploring what next:
    • Using Engel scale – invite to RO party/Alpha/just go for drink
 Doing Reach Out as a housegroup:
  • Housegroup leaders could challenge their group every so often to spend the week focussing on what God might be prompting them to do and do it - at work/home etc and then feeding back the next week on stories of what has happened.

  • Housegroup challenge to do one act of kindness to a stranger /encourage a work colleague/phone someone they know is struggling in life each day for a week and then feedback stories.

  • Spend an evening as a housegroup doing an act of kindness

  • Going on the streets on a Saturday morning

  • Worshipping and praying for the community/friends/RO projects

  • Going on a prayer walk

  • Go on a mission trip together!

  • Run an alpha course as a group

  • Have a social and invite friends

  • Take on a DIY project in your local community

  • Do a hearing from heaven session in a coffee shop/park

 Recent Media Uploads 
Reach Out Global - stories of our overseas missions (October 2012) (download)
Pete introduces a number of stories about our overseas mission and invites us to get involved.
Pete Sammons and friends, 07/10/2012
Gathering part five - explain yourself (download)
Using the story of Nicodemus in John 3 David explains how we can each play our own part in explaining the good news about Jesus.
David Flowers, 03/06/2012
Gathering part four - a welcoming community (download)
When someone decides to check us out, what do they find? Are we a welcoming community - what would a welcoming community look like?
David Flowers, 27/05/2012
Gathering part three - six compassion squashers (download)
We are wired to be compassionate because we are made in the image of a compassionate God. But sometimes our compassion is squashed. What shall we do about it?
David Flowers, 20/05/2012
Gathering part two - Talking to God about people, talking to people about God (download)
Kate explores how we can share our faith with people in a graceful, loving and encouraging way.
Kate Newman, 13/05/2012
Gathering - Getting near to those who are far (download)
Why would someone over there want to come over here to find out about Jesus. Jesus tells us we will be witnesses and some of that is as easy as getting near to those who are far.
David Flowers, 06/05/2012
Knowing Jesus, and making Him known (download)
Maggie talks about what difference knowing Jesus makes in our lives and how we can make Him known to others.
Maggie Gee, 09/10/2011
On talking about Jesus (download)
Alex encourages us to talk about Jesus. When we talk about Jesus we can do so with the sure knowledge that Jesus is so beautifully infectious, so magnetic, that nothing we can do or say will make him more attractive than he already is.
Alex Griffin, 02/10/2011
Making Space For Life 3: Risk (download)
Kate explores the topic of risk and, in particular, how Jesus took risks. As it says in John 4, Jesus only did what he saw the Father doing.
Kate Newman, 04/07/2010
Through the Roof (download)
Ben looks at the cost of bringing people to Jesus, though it is a cost well worth paying.
Ben Newman, 23/05/2010
God will grow his kingdom (download)
Taking Jesus' parable about planting crops as his starting point, David explores our role in growing God's kingdom, and comes to the insight that our responsibility is to point people towards God in all kinds of different ways, but to leave it up to God which of these ways gains success.
David Flowers, 26/07/2009
6. Stepping Out - Decision Time (download)
There comes a time when you make a decision. For some it is like a journey along which there are many smaller decisions about the direction. For most of us there comes a fork in the road when we have to make a life changing decision.
David Flowers and Erik Peeters, 11/05/2008
5. Stepping Out - Let us Pray (download)
Having moved out of our circle of comfort, made friends, told our story we look for the opportunity to pray for people. How can we do this?
David Flowers and Erik Peeters, 04/05/2008
4. Stepping Out - What's your story? (download)
When someone whom you have befriended eventually asks you for your story, what will you say?
David Flowers & Erik Peeters, 27/04/2008
3. Stepping Out - Making Friends (download)
Making friends creates a way for those who are lost to come to repentance. How can we learn to be friendly?
David Flowers & Erik Peeters, 13/04/2008
2. Stepping Out - from the Circle of Comfort (download)
When we become aware of living in a circle of comfort God can speak to us about stepping out from time to time to walk across the room and extend a hand of friendship to the stranger. Erik and David explain how God did this for us and how we can do this for others - in particular looking at how Jesus did it.
David Flowers & Erik Peeters, 06/04/2008
1. Stepping Out - A Fresh Start (download)
A recording of part of our all age Easter celebration. The first in a new series, "Stepping Out" when we talked about the Fresh Start that is on offer for us all as a result of Jesus' death and resurrection. Contributions from Erik and David.
Erik Peeters & David Flowers, 23/03/2008
 Related talks and articles 
2. Stepping Out - From the Circle Of ComfortThis article has associated audio
Notes: When we become aware of living in a circle of comfort God can speak to us about stepping out from time to time to walk across the room and extend a hand of friendship to the stranger. More ...
David Flowers
3. Stepping Out - Making FriendsThis article has associated audio
Making friends creates a way for those who are lost to come to repentance. How can we learn to be friendly? More ...
David Flowers and Erik Peeters
4. Stepping Out - What's Your Story?This article has associated audio
When someone whom you have befriended eventually asks you for your story, what will you say? More ...
David Flowers and Erik Peeters
5. Stepping Out - Let Us PrayThis article has associated audio
Having moved out of our circle of comfort, made friends, told our story we look for the opportunity to pray for people. How can we do this? More ...
David Flowers and Erik Peeters
6. Stepping Out - Decision TimeThis article has associated audio
There comes a time when you make a decision. For some it is like a journey along which there are many smaller decisions about the direction. For most of us, there comes a fork in the road when we have to make a life-changing decision. More ...
David Flowers and Erik Peeters
Gathering part five - explain yourselfThis article has associated audio
Using the story of Nicodemus in John 3 David explains how we can each play our own part in explaining the good news about Jesus. More ...
David Flowers
Gathering part four - a welcoming communityThis article has associated audio
When someone decides to check us out, what do they find? Are we a welcoming community - what would a welcoming community look like? More ...
David Flowers
Gathering part one - getting near to those who are farThis article has associated audio
Why would someone over there want to come over here to find out about Jesus. Jesus tells us we will be witnesses and some of that is as easy as getting near to those who are far. More ...
David Flowers
Philip and Andrew would love Alpha
Philip and Andrew followed Jesus and were friendly. We can follow their example. Here's how. More ...
David Flowers

David Wallace, Matt and Anne Button, 07/05/2011