Leeds Vineyard

Fashion tips and carol service expectations

Alison and I have just returned from a few days away at Hothorpe Hall with the Vineyard Area Leaders and Leadership Group. All in all an exciting time with great stories of what is happening around the Vineyard in the UK. Another seven churches planted this year, more people in the existing Vineyards and God doing amazing things in the lives of people from Glasgow to Bournemouth. We are so grateful to be part of this family – we love the values, the priorities and the leadership we are shown.

The ten churches represented at this meeting did a quick estimate of the number of people we expect to visit our churches for carol services over Christmas – it came to around 10,000. These ten churches are some of the larger ones so if you halve the average and multiply it by the number of Vineyards around the country, you could expect over 60,000 people to hear the Christmas story in Vineyard carol services. If one in a hundred decides to follow Jesus as a result there could be 600 people saved by the time we open our presents!

Good News - frontOur Carol services take place on 22 December. The theme is Good News.

Christmas Party VK WebThe children have their Christmas party on 8 December.

You Are The Project - Web SquaTonight Alison and I host a dinner for the Senior Pastors from the North and then the Vineyard North Leaders’ Equipping Day tomorrow. If you are in leadership you will find this very helpful (if you are not in leadership you would find it helpful too so feel free to come along – £5 on the door (£2.50 unwaged)).

Communion imageOn Sunday Andy Smith (Senior Pastor of Belfast Central Vineyard), who is the main speaker for the Equipping Day, will be our guest speaker at weekly worship after we have all shared communion together.

LeedsUniversityAnd then, to round off an active few days, Alison and I are hosting lunch and discussion for students and anyone interested in developing Leeds Vineyard’s ministry to students – at our home. Let us know if you would like to join us.

love in action icon
Sunday 1 December is Love in Action day and we will be given the chance to support some key areas of need over Christmas. Part of this will be supporting the Vine, our charity for the Debt Advice Centre and the Child Contact Centre.Here is a summary of what the Vine does.

Finally, a useful fashion tip: now that you have all bought a Onesie (I am hopeful that Santa may bring me one), you can upgrade to a Twosie. Yes, just what you have been waiting for. Two holes for heads, four for arms and three for legs. It’s made for sharing. Which is lovely.

I hope that’s helpful.

David Flowers, 22/11/2013