Leeds Vineyard


If you would like to join in with our Sunday Gatherings in-person and you have additional accessibility requirements, please email roofbreaker@leedsvineyard.org and we can discuss how best to support you.

PODI-logo-oyxsyg3gq7sajguew9ddWe have two ramp entrances to the building, one on Otley Road and one on Chapel Street. It is a church with pews, but there is an area at the front right of the Sanctuary, which we reserve for any wheelchair users, to use if they wish.

There is a hearing loop system for those with hearing aids. The hearing loop uses a telecoil system, so the hearing aid needs to be in the T-setting, and is best accessed when sitting in the middle of the downstairs of the Sanctuary.

For those who are deaf we may be able to arrange for sermon notes to be sent to you in advance. Please contact us at the email address above.