Leeds Vineyard


A person who is following hard after Jesus is in increasingly good relationships with everyone they interact with

What does that look like?


The outcomes we see in the lives of people following Jesus will vary according to circumstances, but might include:
  • Spending quality relationship time with people such as:
    • Close family (parents, siblings, children)
    • Other household members and neighbours
    • Work colleagues
    • Fellow pupils/students
    • People with similar interests or circumstances
    • People in sports and social circles
    • Church people
  • Treating tradespeople, retail workers, call centre reps, etc as people not merely functional operatives
  • Accepting people for who they are
  • Having fun together, hosting parties, celebration, games, humour
  • Building friendship
  • Speaking highly of people, thinking the best of people, avoiding gossip
  • Not being offended easily
  • Communicating clearly and sensitively
  • Handling conflict well
  • Forgiving people with grace and mercy
  • Expressing love and demonstrating that you value people (e.g. using the love languages)
  • Encouraging and building people up
  • Challenging people to grow and develop: coaching, mentoring
  • When people ask, holding people accountable to their commitments
  • Being single, dating and/or doing marriage well
  • Grieving and dealing with loss and bereavement, and helping others through that too

How does it come about?


The way we see that becoming deeply rooted in people's lives includes
  • The quality of relationship given to you by significant others (such as parents, friends)
  • Modelling by parents, role models and close friendships of how to relate to other people
  • Television, novels and other story-telling
  • Reflecting on the relationships described in Scripture narrative
  • Being trained through reading books, courses and seminars, role play
  • Sharing about your relationships with other people in an appropriately confidential setting, such as with a close friend, housegroup leader, in the housegroup meeting, or with a relationship coach or counsellor.  
  • Receiving advice and suggestions from friends, mentors and coaches



Serendipity Bible study
  • Accountability - Beyond football and the weather (Serendipity course 2, page M4)
  • Dating dilemma - In search of my better half (Serendipity course 16, page M18)
  • Communication/conflict - Lasting love (Serendipity course 21, page M23)
  • Intimacy - The gift of sex (Serendipity course 22, page M24)
  • Parenting - Not just a stroll in the park (Serendipity course 25, page M27)
  • Family time - Making meaningful memories (Serendipity course 26, page M28)
  • Strong-willed children - Train up a child (Serendipity course 27, page M29)
  • Parenting adolescents - Hair, hormones and hassles (Serendipity course 28, page M30)
  • Belonging - Finding friends and fitting in (Serendipity course 32, page M34)
  • Hassles - Getting along with my parents (Serendipity course 35, page M37)
  • Relationships at work - How's your serve (Serendipity course 37, page M39)
  • Caregivers - Lifting others up without getting down (Serendipity course 52, page M54)
  • Mending fences - Healing significant relationships (Serendipity course 56, page M58)
  • Divorce recovery - Picking up the pieces (Serendipity course 57, page M59)
  • Grief and loss - Getting through the night (Serendipity course 58, page M60)
Nooma videos
  • Nooma 007 | Luggage: "It isn't always easy to forgive."
From our website
Questions of self-disclosure and accountability
[to be added: books on marriage, parenting, conflict, love languages, friendship etc]
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