Leeds Vineyard


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Articles (3 found)

Jesus and Demons #3 - Mark 1 and 15 - Temptations and Accusations
At the begining and at the end of His ministry Jesus deals with a barrage of temptations and accusations. How can we resist the enemy's temptations and accusations today?
Jesus and Demons #2 - Mark 5 - The demons of Gerasene
When Jesus turns up the tables are turned on the forces of evil. Whatever darkness lies hidden within us, we can approach Jesus and receive healing and freedom.
Jesus and Demons #1 - Mark 1 and 3 - How Jesus starts His ministry
What are we to think about angels and demons, about good and evil? Jesus, who is undeniably good, gives us a great perspective on how to confront evil. He confronts and deals with the enemy right at the beginning of His ministry.

Media (1 found)

David Flowers
One thing that is certain is the existence of evil and sin. But Paul shows that God has intervened in history to show a way for mercy.
MP3 Audio
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  • Downloads: 2265
  • Recorded: 23/11/2014
  • Length: 25 minutes
  • Reference: Romans 3:9-26